Happy Valentine's Divas! **this is 4 the single-shmingles**

Its the 14th of the month, love is in the air ( the vochelle's advert is playing in your ears ) and you are either on a date or perhaps you feel like shooting Cupid somewhere ? Please don't. Did you know the best part of Valentine's is LOVING who ? Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F! weeeeeeee ( hug self now please and check out gorgeous you in the mirror asap! )

Ok so now some of you want to shoot me instead for being so mean and thoughtless ? Refrain and let me show you L.O.V.E of yourselves!
One of my favourite reads came from Cosmopolitan US with tips on the Single Girl's Valentine's Day (http://www.cosmopolitan.com/advice/entertaining-ideas/single-girl-valentine-day)
1. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you’re alone! Round up some unattached chicks and hit the bars, a restaurant, the local karaoke joint, the bowling lanes, whatever. Revel in your ability to have an amazing time, no men needed. —Katriona, 30

2. Whether it’s George Clooney or Johnny Depp, spend the night with your ultimate celeb crush. Rent a handful of his movies and treat yourself to an eye-candy marathon. —Jillian, 22

3. Organize a Secret Admirers gifting sesh, à la Secret Santa: You and a group of friends draw names and then deliver items like chocolates, flowers, and teddy bears to each other. That way everyone can have a Valentine... —Mary, 23

4. Since you aren’t spending your dough on some dude, might as well spend it on yourself. Give yourself some credit for how amazing you are and treat yourself to something special like a mani-pedi, a new necklace, or a blow-out at the salon. —Aubrey, 27

5. Ask a guy friend out for a platonic date and split a meal at a tasty restaurant. Make a game out of your dinner discussion by looking around the restaurant at all the couples (there will be a ton!) and guessing which ones will actually last, based on their body language. —Karen, 24

6. Be a rebel and convince your co-worker bestie to play hooky with you. Instead of sitting in meetings or watching other chicks get flowers delivered to their cubes, you and your pal can go shopping, take a day trip somewhere fun (like skiing!), or catch a new chick flick, sans the crowded theater. —Julie, 25

7. Party at your place! Invite friends over for wine, appetizers, gossiping, and good times. To mix it up, make it a theme party, like suggesting that everyone wear all pink (or black, if you caught the “Singles Awareness Day” bug) and create an iPod playlist with songs like “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and “Holding Out for a Hero.” —Lauren, 21

You see, that is just 7 things to do today or this lovey weekend with your fashionista chicas or some dear guy who has been your friend and owes you one as a platonic date! **gleefully smiles**
What can you gain being single, you ask ? Besides splurging on yourself and not someone else , YOURTANGO gave me 5 ways one has benefits being single ( deep breath now, get ready for feeling on the greener side shortly). Click here too for the full article http://www.yourtango.com/201053745/5-benefits-being-single-valentines-day as an extra desert ! :)
And the loveliest thing to do single today ? S.H.O.P?! WOOHOOOO just for you , loving yourself and being purely selfish!

Here is my top 5 :)

1) Party on a girls night out this weekend, look fab and dance the night away!
3) Manicure and Pedicure for you or with your girlfriends if you rather some girly time
4) SPA nearby for that pampering dejavu feeling of loving yourself
5) Sins of Chocolate and ice cream :)

Happy Valentine's Day from your Lady Aphordite to beautiful girlies like yourselves! Its loving yourself this V-Day! * pleasure of no regrets*

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