Stripping it at Apron Bay - Copacabana Style

It's official! Us Breakfast Divas have made this week "Pamper yourself week", hence we're all about juicy winks to heart yourself more this week *wink*

Ladies, come on board with me now...

There were many lost along the way. Sacrifices had to be made.  Excess axed. But in the end, I’d persevered, graduating into the school of pain. No no…nothing S&M. Just graduating from Pain School into the junior deflowered Brazilian wax virgins club!

Tis’ Apronbay I’m talking about to officiate the deflowering session *wink*

If you’d been our faithful Chatterbugz, hungry for more delicious juiciness, you’d realize that yes, we’d already written about Apronbay..and YES, we HEART Apronbay!

1st class treatment
So you’d wriggled your fingers, and dangled your toes to be painted on… now… surrender your fuzz/hair/amazon to Apronbay for a good grooming session.  

Do a google search on Apronbay if you must for a history and meaning of Apronbay, and you will find the answers to the questions you’re looking for.  Here, I give you my Copacabana wax experience. (Every experience is different).

So here goes.

There’s 5 different Brazilian strip-offs (it’s all on their webbie!). 

IMHO, the 5 kinds of waxes are defined as
1) Ipanema – a subtle “Hello, to the stripping world” for those wanting to strip the bikini line. Apparently, girls who have lesser hair may not be too suitable for the Ipanema. If you were thinking of getting it easy, Crap! You can’t
2) Copcabana - Those wanting more hair off, but not yet ready to have it totally bare, should opt for this. This was about as much as I dared venture the 1st time around. *pats me* for the bravery!      
3) Paris - hair off the labia (level 1). Ouch!
4) Sao Paolo –adventurous and artistic ones – a wad of hair in the front.
5) Rio de Janeiro – only the brave and courageous - all bare! *hats off to you*

Remember to read up on the “pre-waxing” care to prep yourself mentally and physically for your session.

The Experience

Apronbay had arranged for me to “land” in Shanghai (I’m referring to the ambience in the waxing room), a tray with a disposable thong, and a sanitary wipe was nicely placed on the bed.
Land in Shanghai to be stripped
 Picture credited to 

Since I’m a wax virgin, I was glad for the thong to cover up. OMG, *so shy!* The moment I was alone in the room, I proceeded to give myself a good rub down.

Claire, my wax therapist was really gentle and was very informative about what to expect from the session, and gave me tips on after care. She was very professional throughout. Not giving away the slightest indication of what she was thinking upon seeing fuzzy fuzz.  

The thong was actually of no use! Because right before the waxing began, Claire had already rolled up the thong and much was bared to her professional eyes. I must have blushed, because the room felt warmer! Oh wait, maybe it was from the warm wax.

The waxing is done with a wooden spatula to scoop a dollop of warm wax, which is then spreaded out on to you. After the wax had set/dried, she pulled the slab of wax off. One second I was happily chatting with her, the next second the hair was gone!!  Pain? What pain?! *grins*

Juicy tip: Try not to anticipate the pain, so you won’t amplify the pain (it’s all in the mind). 

I must add though, that the outer regions are waxed first, as a teaser to the wax and pain. Fret not, this area gives minimal pain *yay*!  It’s the inner regions that are slightly more painful. Keywords: slightly!

The waxed area is immediately soothed with a soothing gel/cream after each wax-and-pull. Claire will also constanly check with me if the temperature is right, and whether the pain is bearable.

The trying times are when she moved into the inner regions. *sweats* I probably bled a little when the hair was yanked off, which is expected for first timers, as the roots of the hair would be deeply rooted.  After a few more wax-and-pull, I was done. There were stubborn stray hairs which had to be plucked. This is the most painful bit of the whole session.

When it was over, a soothing gel which doubles as a moisturizer was applied to the waxed area.

The Verdict:
Looking down, wow, I can’t believe how much cleaner my under region looked!! Nicely trimmed too!'s smooth and fuzz free! (some of it ;p)
Picture credited to

The pain, to me wasn’t as bad as I expected, it was actually tolerable. Comparing notes to my friend, hers was an even less painful experience, as hers had lesser hair. She must have had a bush, compared to an Amazonian Jungle! Not that I’m saying that I’ve been cultivating a jungle! Lol!

If you’re concerned about ingrown, the Apronbay crew will be more than happy to chat with you about post wax-care to avoid ingrown.

Would I do it again? Hell YES I would! More courage the next time for level 3!!! Wish me well darlings! Taking off to Rio de Janeiro! Tahs~!

1 comment:

In said...

did Rio with Claire today. She's very meticulous.. which is a good thing when you opt for all off! And you're right,she's professional. Im very comfortable with her. Have you done Rio by now ?

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