Been in the situation where you're in front of your wardrobe ... Clothes spilling out from all drawers.. Dresses stacked so high you can’t see the top of it... But find your have nothing to wear!
Yes fashionitas I hear you... And you're also stuck with limited resources (both on cash and clothes) but still need to be glam... I've found a solution that could help you out in your fashion fix...

On days when I realize what I’m wearing lacks colour.. I usually drape a scarf round my neck to accessorize.. this of course is the traditional way of wearing scarves.. either tying a small square scarf around your neck as a choker or a longer oblong scarf can be knotted in front and hang straight down… or just wear the long oblong scarf is just drape it around your neck and shoulders and then let it hang down dramatically in front. =))
Simple yet stylish… adds a new twist to your existing collection
Have a dress that’s a bit too flowy it gives you no shape… instead of a clinch belt… try a scarf belt… you can make your waist look smaller… You can achieve this look very easily by folding a long oblong scarf into the desired width, draping it around your hips and positioning it as a sash… adjust to your liking and ta-da.. a smaller looking waist…. Let it hang down asymmetrically drawing the eye downward to produce a smaller looking waist.
Top / Dress
On really desperate days… I get creative! Yes.. I strongly believe desperateness leads to creativity… and the desperation is.. having ‘nothing to wear’.. I turn my scarves into tops.. pair it with jeans.. and it pulls off nicely as a top…
For this I usually wear a nude or black tank/tube top ... just in case my knotting skills don't hold up... comes extremely handy too.. if you don’t dare to show bare back or uncomfortable of a see-through
For this I usually wear a nude or black tank/tube top ... just in case my knotting skills don't hold up... comes extremely handy too.. if you don’t dare to show bare back or uncomfortable of a see-through

Make a halter-style top with a big square scarf. Fold it into a triangle, then tie a knot in the middle. Press this knot against the base of your nape, then secure the loose ends around your neck. This forms the halter-neck of your blouse. To finish, wrap the triangle base around your waist, knotting it in the middle of your back.
Hybrid Handkerchief/ halter

A combination between a handkerchief and halter-style top, this method cleverly uses a chunky necklace as the loop to hold your top together. Fold a square scarf into a triangle and wrap it around your body, securing it in the middle of your back. Next create two gathers, from the top of the bodice, pinching two ends through the base of a chunky necklace, knotting them.
Extra tip!
Buy scarves in different colors, shapes, fabric materials, and designs… this way you can mix and match… to compliment your existing wardrobe collection adding a new twist without having to cause too much damage on your wallets!
lastly *smile.. and stay fabulous!
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